Company Bess Montage GmbH is founded in the year 2014. as a subsidiary of the company Elektro Bess d.o.o. It is founded with the purpose of easier job access in the field of Germany.
We do services of montage and demontage asphalt and concrete plants. At the projects of demontage and montage of the used plants, we as well offer the possibility of transport organisation as well as the machines
required for implementation of the project.
Including the services of montage, demontage and service of asphalt and concrete plants, we intensively do all kinds of upgradings on the asphalt plants. Upgrades are required for the purpose of energy efficiency, new technologies, better utilisation of the resources (minerals, fillers, connecting means) and achieving the new standards in production of asphalt or concrete mixture.
Some of the upgrades we did succesfully are: plant upgrade for using an old asphalt with an option of using foam bitumen (Schaumbitumen) wich is used at making a low temperature asphalt, upgrade of a plants for using polymer
fibers and upgrade with new management system.